BroadWay Presentation at 19th PSCE Conference and 5G for PPDR Workshop in Bled
The vision and challenges of BroadWay were presented at the PSCE Conference and 5G for PPDR Workshop taking place on 12-13-14 December in Bled, Slovenia. Overall, around 120 participants attended the events, including technology providers, researchers, practitioners and EU representatives.
About the PSCE Conference
Twice a year, PSCE hosts a Conference, focusing on the most topical issues in public safety and bringing together policy makers, academic researchers, industrial experts and other interested stakeholders. PSCE Conferences traditionally attract over 100 international participants from more than 20 countries and include representatives of the EU institutions, national authorities, international organisations, regional authorities, industrial partners, civil society, researchers, and other interested stakeholders.
About The 5G Workshop
The event demonstrated the results of the 5G Safety project and discussed the opportunities and traps of 5G in the delivery of the next generation services and applications for 112, operational communications and disaster response and other public safety needs.
All BroadWay presentations are available for download on this page.