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About BroadWay and the BroadX Roadmap

BroadWay is the 2nd step of our process which aims to procure a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 Pilot solution, achieving pan European mobile broadband for Public Safety. TRL8 defines ‘System Complete and Qualified’.


BroadMap was our first stage took place from May 2016 until April 2017 and was funded under Horizon 2020 topic DRS-18-2015.

Click here for full details.

BroadWay is a Pre-commerical Procurement. Our final pilot system will include at least 2 solutions that will be Qualified against criteria defined by our Group of Procurers.

The next step, defined as BroadNet, represents the final procurement and live use of the solution. See below for details of the procurement of live systems and sustainable governance. Further details can be found below.

BroadWay – Pre-Commercial Procurement

Open Market Consultation

The BroadWay team will consult with suppliers to understand the status of what innovation capability is available.

Supplier Selection

A contract notice and public tender process will be carried out to select multiple teams of suppliers to work in competition to find the best solutions.


Supplier teams will develop designs. Our buyers team will select the best team and design, and invite the winning teams to develop prototypes.


Winning design teams will be invited implement prototypes. Testing of these prototypes will be to the satisfaction of our procurement team.


At least 2 teams will be selected and invited to expand their prototypes to develop the TRL8 pan-European pilot. The final solution will be approved to the satisfaction of both our procurement team, and our team of responder practitioners.

BroadNet - Live Procurement and Sustainable Governance

During BroadWay, our procurement team will seek to agree the basis for the formation of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). This organisation will become the single authority for procurement and conformance of final live pan-European mobile broadband for Public Safety.

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