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Open Market Consultation

The BroadWay Open Market Consultation, as announced in the Prior Information Notice on TED on 4th July 2018, is a preparatory stage for the BroadWay pre-commercial procurement. It triggers the start of our journey to find solutions to our BroadWay challenge, and helps define our strategy for the request for tender. The Prior Information Notice can be also downloaded here:

We invited potential suppliers to tender their solutions to the BroadWay challenge. The request to tender was released in February 2019.

Successful procurement requires involving technology companies and potential consortia from early on to gain market insight on state-of-the-art and expected future developments in the field of mission critical mobile broadband technology. In order to achieve this a series of Open Market Consultation events are organised that will inform our BroadWay procurement team, to help refine our tender specifications.

Market Consultation Events and Webinars

During the Open Market Consultation events, the BroadWay challenge, ambition and scope were presented alongside details of how the pre-commercial procurement process works. The Open Market Consultation events were especially targeted for innovative suppliers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and other experts, who are able to deliver solutions.

During the Open Market Consultation we held a briefing, consultation and networking event in Brussels on 13th September 2018.  Additionally, there were two webinars on 20th July 2018 and 9th August 2018.

A recording of our briefing event can be accessed by clicking here.

Details of our Briefing, Consultation and Networking event can be found by clicking here.

A list of questions and answers can be found by clicking here.


The input of suppliers is crucial to the BroadWay Consortium as it contributes to shaping the request for tender which is expected to be launched in November/December 2018.

We therefore also asked potential suppliers to fill in a questionnaire as completely as possible. This was available until 21st September 2018. Specific answers to questions remain confidential.

The questions that we asked potential suppliers can be found here.


Expected Results and Outputs

The BroadWay procurement team considered the results of this Open Market Consultation and fine tune the scope of the request for tender and evaluation criteria for the Pre-Commercial Procurement. Therefore, during this Open Market Consultation, our BroadWay procurement team have gained insight into the following:

  • What is the current state-of-the-art?
  • What is currently on the market, and close to market?
  • Is the BroadWay challenge, challenging enough, clear and realistic?
  • Is the BroadWay ambition, ambitious enough, or too ambitious?
  • What combination of supplier disciplines will provide the best balance of capabilities to deliver the BroadWay challenge?
  • What are the most relevant evaluation criteria for our tender process?


Any Questions?

All communication and questions concerning the open market consultation, its format and/or content should be addressed via the contact page on this website. For transparency reasons all questions will be answered for the benefit of all potential suppliers. Please see our Questions and Answers page.

Participation in Open Market Consultation

The Open Market Consultation is explicitly not part of any pre-qualification or selection process in the BroadWay PCP procedure. Any company may participate in BroadWay’s Open Market Consultation (OMC). Participating in the OMC is free of any engagement and will never lead to any obligation between the group of procurers and your company. (Non) participation by a company will neither exclude this company from future tenders nor will it have any influence on its opportunities.

All data provided by a company will be handled confidentially, unless statutory obligations demand the publication of this data and/or the company agrees with the publication of the provided data.

All ideas submitted by industry will be treated as Commercial in Confidence. No part of these will be made public. However, relevant insights (shared openly by industry during the various OMC events) are subject to publication and may be used by procuring entities to shape future strategies. Information from this market consultation may differ from information provided in a future procurement.

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