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Briefing, Consultation, Networking Event – 13th September 2018

Our event was hosted by the Belgian Federal Police, Brussels, Belgium. The event ran from  9:30 for 10:00 prompt start and ended at 15:30.

During the event  we covered:
a) A brief reminder of the BroadMap and SpiceNet were given

b) An open discussion took place for each of the 11 objectives of the The BroadWay Ambition:
— Is the objective clear? Is there anything missing?
— Do solutions exist for these objectives?
— Which aspects require innovation?

c) Delegates had the opportunity to ask questions about our scope and the PCP process

The event was organised and chaired by David Lund, Sanja Holen and Marie-Christine Bonnamour from the BroadWay coordination team (PSCE).

An opening address was made by Andrea de Candido, Deputy Head of Unit B4 Innovation and Industry for Security, European Commission.

Participants were invited to join in with the open discussion on the day. Printed copies of our objectives were handed out, giving the means to gather hand written opinions in a confidential manner, if any delegate prefers.

More than 60 suppliers have registered their interest in BroadWay. >40 were in attendance. There was opportunity given to meet and network with other suppliers in order to build teams.


The aim of the meeting was to assist our open market consultation. We asked for opinions on the currently published challenge and ambition of BroadWay which can be found here:
The BroadWay Challenge

A recording of our web briefing delivered on the 9th August can be found using this link which gives further explanation:
Web Briefing Recording

Materials used during this briefing were repeated through a series of presentations which are downloadable below.

All experts and potential suppliers were invited fill out our questionnaire which can be found here:
BroadWay OMC Questionairre

Our questionnaire closed on 21st September 2018

In addition, most suppliers have given us permission to be listed on our website. Please find the list here:
Partnering Tool

5 Presentations were delivered:

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