BroadWay mentioned by the EU Council
Early June 2021, The Council of the European Union recognised the important role of BroadWay for the establishment of interoperable EU-wide communication systems for public safety (7 & 8 June 2021 – point 27)
The Council “EMPHASISES the importance of secure operational and EU interoperable communication for
law enforcement agencies and other security practitioners to be able to properly protect and
respond in case of cross-border cooperation in the area of public spaces and major events, and
INVITES MEMBER STATES to further support EU initiatives aiming at the improvement of
existing systems and EU-wide interoperable communication systems for public security,
notably the Horizon 2020 BroadWay project”
Source: https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-9545-2021-INIT/en/pdf