3rd Practitioner Evaluation Team Meeting
Today 16 September 2020, the third Practitioner Evaluation Team (PEVT) Meeting for BroadWay took place as a virtual meeting, gathering 18 practitioners from 11 EU countries and Australia. First-responders and practitioners involvement is key for the sound development of the project. More details about the scope and activities of the PEVT are available here.
The meeting began with a quick introduction by Marie-Christine Bonnamour (PSCE) and Uwe Kippnich (Bavarian Red Cross) and was followed by a quick roundtable to allow the different participants to introduce themselves. Thereafter, David Lund, BroadWay Coordinator, provide an overview and update of the project’s status and highlighted the role of the PEVT. This was followed by a presentation of Michaela Selzer (Bavarian Red Cross) on the Trial Guidance Methodology developed by the EU-funded DRIVER+ project as well as a presentation and discussion on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the overall evaluation process. Finally, a summary of the outcomes of the last PEVT meeting in Dublin February 2020.
In the afternoon, practitioners discussed and provided inputs on three scenarios (Forest Fire – Drug Smuggling – incident during the olympics). The discussions and inputs of the meeting have been recorded and will feed into the development of BroadWay.