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Progress Towards Operational Mobility for Public Safety: a Practitioner Network Stakeholder Briefing held on 3 February 2021 

Date 24/02/2021, Brussels

Building on its first stakeholder event organised on 27 November 2020, which focused on the involvement of various Directorates-General of the European Commission and EU Agencies, a Practitioner Network Stakeholder Briefing was held on 3 February 2021. Spanning from firefighters, CBRN experts, border guards, police to special forces, 10 European networks were present.

These stakeholder events are part of a series whose aim is to stimulate engagement and gain support for the BroadWay PCP project among practitioners, the European Commission, EU Agencies and Member State representatives.

The event received the support of DG-Home and both its representatives, Andrea de Candido, Head of Unit Innovation and Industry for Security and Max Brandt, Project Officer acknowledged that all the practitioners who attended the event are potentially served by the project and stressed the importance of their future engagement in the BroadWay solutions, to secure its successful outcome.

The BroadWay project will provide a clear solution for operational mobility and enable critical communications across borders. The results reached so far are promising and the development of a solution very close to the market by mid- 2022 is realistic.  There is a strong support from the European Commission to facilitate its uptake and deployment which would provide a strategic public safety autonomy.

The European Commission insists on the role of BroadWay that will provide the capability that is currently missing for cross-border operations

Following presentations about the BroadWay PCP, an interesting exchange was held between the BroadWay buyers and the practitioners about the project and their potential participation. An invitation was extended to get involved in the BroadWay project – which could potentially include participating in the Practitioner Evaluation Team for the evaluation of solutions to be presented during the pilot. This evaluation focus entirely on the practical use of the system and complements the technical evaluation carried out by the buyers.

The next stakeholder event is due to take place at the end of March 2021, which this time will focus on Member State representatives.

Further details about BroadWay PCP progress can be found on our website:

The BroadWay Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and development programme under Grant Agreement No. 786912.

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